Monday, December 3, 2012

Use a Change Jar With a Purpose

What would you say to an extra $500? 

You can achieve this painlessly by creating a change jar with a purpose. You see them everywhere; in private homes and in businesses. People put their loose change in a jar and when it's full, find that their quarters and dimes have amounted to a reasonable amount of money.

But why be so haphazard about it? 

Create a change jar with a good, solid purpose. Let's imagine that you'd like to have a 'free' $500 to spend at the holidays or on a vacation. Or maybe you're saving up for a specific item. Here's an example. If you put $1.37 into your change jar every single day starting today, you'll have a $500 bonus this time next year. Some days, you won't have to open your wallet or purse to find your $1.37; you might find change in your washing machine, behind couch cushions or - if you are especially lucky - when you are walking down the street. This is a painless way of creating an extra bonus.

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