Sunday, December 2, 2012

Extend Your Week to Delay Purchases

Who says that a week has to be seven days? 

Extend your week to save money. Here's an example. Let's imagine that you go to the grocery store every Monday to restock the pantry. Let's further assume that every week you take $100 out of the bank to spend on groceries. Simply by extending your week to eight days, you'll soon have an extra $100 in your pocket. This week, go to the grocery store as usual on Monday. Next week, go on Tuesday. The week after that, leave your grocery store trip until Wednesday and continue in this way, using an eight day week.

This may sound silly.  You think, "but we still consume the same amount of food, regardless of when we go to the store."  The big difference here is that you are delaying gratification.  Instead of buying more stuff out of habit, you will be forced to make something out of what you already have. The box of muffin mix in the back of the pantry will become more appetizing if you don't have a fresh box of donuts on the counter top.   By utilizing everything, you eliminate waste, which saves you money.

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