Thursday, December 6, 2012

Use An HDMI Cord to Stream TV

Do you want to save money so that you can do more with your time? This can be done by simply getting rid of the things you don't need. For example, think about how much you spend on cable television every month. This could be hundreds of dollars per month.  You can get rid of this easily, by just switching to online streaming websites. They make cords that can connect from your computer to your TV so you're able to watch whatever you want for a fraction of the cost.

Types of Connections
There are several common methods of connecting a computer to a television. Here are a few of the different cord types:

  • HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface is the highest quality connection.
  • Mini DisplayPort-to-HDMI Adapter - For laptops with a Mini DisplayPort, this allows you to connect to the HDMI port of your television.
  • DVI - Digital Video Interface or DVI is a common connection for computers and HDTVs.
  • VGA -Video Graphics Array
  • S-Video
Cost Comparison
To switch from cable television to internet streaming, you must have an internet package.  In some cases, your internet package may be bundled with cable and telephone.  If this is the case, the cable company may quote you only a slightly lower amount for an internet only package. So, at minimum, you will likely save about twenty dollars per month doing this.  However, good negotiators can work for a lower price.  If they were willing to sell you service at a lower bundled price, they'd be willing to do this to keep your business for one service as well. This may save you hundreds of dollars per month.

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