Childcare expenses can be one of the biggest money drains for any family's budget.
Consider Schedules
Daycare centers typically charge extra when you don't pick up your child on time. Review your work schedule and compare it to the child care provider’s schedule. Could you save money by picking up your child by 6 p.m. or arriving after 7 a.m. in the morning? If you are consistently running late and receiving late charges from the daycare, determine if you want to move your child to a center that offers childcare later in the day. For example, many centers offer a 12 hour time frame. One center is open 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. You may be better served by a childcare center open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Vacation Days
Plan your vacation schedule based on the school calendar. If you take President’s Day or Columbus Day off, your boss is unlikely to refuse, since few others are planning to take those days off. However, you will avoid having to pay for childcare on those days while enjoying a three day weekend with your children. Ask if your daycare offers “vacation days”. Some childcare centers allow parents who have paid tuition for a full year to take “vacation days”. This means that if a parent takes a week long trip with the children, the parent is not forced to pay for childcare that week to reserve the daycare slot. Other centers will allow parents to use these vacation days to avoid paying for childcare on days the child is out sick.
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