Monday, November 26, 2012

Grow Your Own Garden Food

One way to save and make money is to garden.  For beginner gardeners, pick a few crops you really enjoy, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli.  These vegetables are staples at the dinner table and easy to grow. either from seed or a starter plant found at a local garden center. Get really good at growing these crops and then begin to diversify.

As you diversify and grow your garden, you may start hunting for outlets to sell or trade your produce.  Farmers markets, you-pick, and roadside stands are three common options.  You may also find people willing to trade with you online.

For the largest return on your money, invest in berry plants, fruit bearing trees, and other perennials.  These fruits are easily frozen for year-round use so that you can save money and yet have excellent nutrition when the prices soar in the winter.

How to Plant a Vegetable Garden
Are you interested in creating your own vegetable garden, but you need a place to start?  Start simple with the basics.  You'll need water, good soil, sunlight, and a little patience.

How To Build Raised Bed Box For a Garden
A raised garden bed will help you to best utilize a small space.  It defines the garden bed and raises the bed to a level that is more workable.

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